1:00 PM13:00

Self-care Isn’t Selfish

Event Details

Event Fee: Free

Course Type: Virtual

Category:  Child Development

Credits/Hours: 1.50

Primary Trainer: Helen Massey


Caring for your body, mind, and spirit is your greatest and grandest responsibility. It’s about listening to the needs of your soul and then honoring them. This training conversation is an introduction to self-care examining the common thread to all self-care plans: making a commitment to attend to all the domains of your life including your physical and psychological health, emotional and spiritual needs, and relationships. (NOTE: This training content is the same as offered in Approved Course #117106 “STOP: Self care Isn’t Selfish”)


LaQuetta Smith

Great Start to Quality Southwest Resource Center

5250 Lover Lane LL 120
Portage, MI 49002

Phone (269) 349-3296

Fax (269) 349-6822

Registration Link: https://go.miregistry.org/register.aspx?evid=100102

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6:30 PM18:30

The Magic of Cardboard Boxes

Event Details

Event Fee: Free

Course Type: Virtual

Category:  Child Development

Credits/Hours: 2.00

Primary Trainer: Vickie Rick’s


We will first look at the value of imagination. Understanding the importance of developing a child’s imagination, allows us to insure we have the materials available for their creations. From there we will explore ways we can provide play by using cardboard boxes as a platform for their imaginations to explore. Through their imaginations a simple box can be a plane one day and a castle the next. Who knows where loose parts and an assortment of boxes can lead. Core knowledge areas we will explore are mainly child development and teaching and learning. We will explore small amounts of health, safety and nutrition because of the benefits of mental health by inspiring imaginative play. Placing an actual time frame is hard because of their interlacing throughout the training.


LaQuetta Smith

Great Start to Quality Southwest Resource Center

5250 Lover Lane LL 120
Portage, MI 49002

Phone (269) 349-3296

Fax (269) 349-6822

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